Featured #2 - Bartek Buzuk

June 20, 2014

We are back with “Featured Lumu users”! Bartek is an all-digital shooter and shares with us his beautiful portraits.

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Personal intro. I was born in Warsaw, the capitol city of Poland and I live here for 36 years now. I work on daily basis as a sales representative in a small computer company. I love good coffee, can’t live without music and my sense of humor is rather abstract.

How did you start?
I was runing around with a camera in my hand, capturing home events since I remember. However, the desire to learn how to take pictures came to me totally spontaneously about 15 years ago. I bought a small, compact Canon’s camera and that’s how it all began. Photography itself made me more open to people and for that I’m extremely grateful to it.

bagWhat’s in your camera bag? About a year ago I put away my Nikons’ DSLR on a shelf and completely switched over to Fujifilms’ cameras (X-E1 to be precisely) that’s why my camera bag (ThinkTank Retrospective) is quite empty. In 90% of cases I take the X-E1 with a 23mm lens with me. When I’m going to a session with a model or when I’m not sure about my walking plans I also take a 56mm lens, just in case. This setup is so light that I can carry it with me all the time, which is great because, as you know, the most interesting things happen when you forget to take your gear with you. ;)

What do you shoot?
 I shoot people mostly. I also like to take my camera and take a walk through the city and show ordinary places in an extraordinary way. However lately, I’m focusing on natural portraits which I love, trying to capture nature of people I photograph. This is, in my opinion, a determinant of a good photography - when the picture has a „soul“ that connects with the viewer, attracts their attention, and maybe leads to afterthoughts.

Something about the photographs you are sharing with us. These few photos show my favourite style of photography. To tell the truth, there was more talking with the models on this sessions than shooting. This turns out to make them more relaxed, more open and more like they truly are and I hope that at least a small piece of this naturalness can be seen on this photos. 


Future projects? As far as my future projects goes I have on my mind those related to my coffee passion. First one is a portrait of baristas, and a second one is a small feature showing a way the coffee beans travel from the moment they came to coffee roaster to the moment when it’s ready to be packed. I would like to achieve at least one of these projects this year.

If you could give one piece of advice to fellow photographers, what would it be? I think that we are living in the times when photography is extremely popular and within a reach of anyone so the best we could do is to stay faithful to our visions and our view of the world.

Where can people find you? If you would like to see more of my work, or just write to me, please visit my site: www.buzuk.pl
It will be my pleasure.

